jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

A process of preparation and participation of Colombia in a few Olympic Games had never woken so many expectations up, as that of London 2012. During the first semester of 2012, the mass media followed span to span the classification of 104 athletes who achieved the right to represent to the maximum sports contest of the world.
From concepts issued by the experts of the Olympian Colombian Committee, the country entered the game of the speculations, about the options that our athletes might have in the jousts. Initially the goal was achieved of classifying 104 of our better sportsmen, four over the established ceiling and 37 more than that met to Pekin 2008.
Then one spoke about the possible medalists, certainly, in the field of the technical royal possibilities, ensued from detailed analyses come by the Technical Area of the COC, which was prudent in his predictions. Finally, the delegation travelled to London with the widespread idea of reaching between three and five gems, number that it would overcome achieved in the previous participations.

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